Laboratory Licensed by ema® to perform NRF-PEMEX
corrosion and accelerated weathering tests.
Laboratory Validated by Volkswagen to perform tests under the Standard
TL 211 & TL 226.
Corrosion Laboratory
ASTM B117 (Saline chamber test)
ISO 15711 (Determination of resistance to cathodic disbonding of coatings exposed to seawater)
ISO 9227 (Corrosion in artificial atmospheres)
ASTM D 2247 (Coatings Resistance test in 100% relative humidity)
ASTM D 5894 (Cyclic exposure in saline mist / UV of painted metals, alternating the exposure in saline chamber/drying and condensate/UV)
ISO 20340 (Performance for paint protection systems for OFFSHORE structures and similar systems.
ISO 4624 (Pull-off test for adhesion)
ASTM D3359 (Standard method to measure adhesion by means of tape test)
Ford CETP: 00.00-L-467 (Accelerated cyclic corrosion laboratory test)
CCT (Cyclic corrosion tests, Nissan)
GMW 14872 (Cyclic corrosion laboratory test) SAE J2334 (Cyclic corrosion test)
Volkswagen PV-1210(Corrosion test)
ASTM D1735 (Standard practice for coating’s water resistance, using water mist)
NRF-053-PEMEX (Coating’s based anti-corrosion protection systems for surface installations)
NRF-026- PEMEX (Protection with anti-corrosion coatings for buried and/or submerged pipelines)
NRF-295-PEMEX (Anti-corrosion coating’s systems for surface installations of PEMEX marine platforms for exploration and production.
NMX D 122 Determination of the corrosion resistance properties of metallic parts with coatings, used in motor vehicles.
Saline mist method.
Paints and coatings
Metal - mechanic
Q-FOG Cyclic corrosion chambers
Q-FOG Cyclic corrosion chambers with humidity control
QUV Ultraviolet light equipment
Cathodic disbonding
Pull-off adhesion